NOVEMBER 6th & 7th 2021
The original August date we were meant to have this event unfortunately was during lockdown so we would like to say a big thanks to the Canterbury Clay Target Club, and South Island Sporting Clay Shooters Inc. for their willingness to accommodate our rescheduled date, being the 6th & 7th November. Even though it was postponed we had a great turn out for what was the Season Finale of the 300 UT and Compak. Unfortunately, our friends from Auckland and Hamilton couldn’t come due to lock down but otherwise it was a well-supported event and we met a lot of new faces.
On the Saturday we started the first 75 targets of the UT and the Compak. The weather was nice and was an enjoyable day out. There was some great shooting in the Compak with what some were calling difficult targets. (There was a call to bring back Adam Green and his target setting from Hutt Valley. No offence James). But it was a well-run and the challenge was enjoyed by most. A UTNZ Inc. weekend does call for one to embrace the challenge of international disciplines after all.
Max Edwards was in the lead at the end of the day for the Compak after shooting a commendable 72 with James Mackie hot on his heals with 71. In the UT James Mackie had a lead over the rest of the field after shooting a very nice 71. The closest after him was Richard Jacobs and Nick Wiseman on 69.
Sunday saw the shooters on form come through with James Mackie making it an impressive 2 from 2. Winning the Compak on a 138 and winning the UT on a 141. We had a shoot off in the Compak for 2nd and 3rd with Daniel Feutz and Max Edwards both finishing one behind James on 138. Daniel ended up winning the shoot off. In the UT Daniel again came in second on 139 and there was a shoot off with Graeme Ede, Peter Smrekar and Natalie Rooney for third on 136. Natalie shot 25 in the shoot off to take out 3rd.
In the Handicap UT we had some great shooting by Richard Jacobs and James Mabin in the UT to end up with targets to spare for their shoot off. Richard ended up taking the win after a well contested shoot off. In the Compak Nick Wiseman showed form again to take it out on an adjusted score of 146.
The Off the Gun High Gun was obviously won by James Mackie after taking both individual events, and the Handicap High Gun was won by Richard Jacobs. Well shot by both.
The North / South Carley Cup was also contested. With the South being the defending champions, and this being the final South Island event for the year. This is a North/South match where teams are determined at the conclusion of the UT event by selecting five scores from each island, with each team including at least one B Grade and one C Grade score. For the first time, it was won by the North Island!
We would like to express our thanks for the Series sponsors Laporte, Killwell and Fiocchi New Zealand (Target Products). All our winners took away Killwell dollars and Fiocchi ammunition to the UT. Thank you to Canterbury Clay Target Club Inc. for hosting UTNZ Inc. to hold the 2021 Finale event, and South Island Sporting Clay Shooters Inc. for the invaluable assistance in providing equipment for the Compak event, set over multiple fields. The UTNZ National Series of events would be impossible without the willingness of these clubs to host and assist UTNZ Inc. Thank you.
Compak 150
Off the Gun:
James Mackie - 138
Daniel Feutz - 137 + 9 s/off
Max Edwards - 137 + 7 s/off
Nick Wiseman - 146 (134 + 12 targets in)
James Mackie - 141 (138 + 3 targets in)
Daniel Feutz - 140 (137 + 3 targets in) + 9 s/off
Max Edwards - 140 (137 + 3 targets in) + 7 s/off
Trevor Smith - 138 (126 + 12 targets in)
Shane Ashforth - 135 (129 + 6 targets in)
Universal Trench 150
Off the Gun:
James Mackie - 141
Daniel Feutz - 139
Natalie Rooney - 136 + 25 s/off
Richard Jacobs - 153 (135 + 18 targets in) + 14 s/off
James Mabin - 152 (122 + 30 targets in) + 12 s/off
Mirko Saranovic - 144 (114 + 30 targets in) + 1 s/off
Trevor Smith - 144 (120 + 24 targets in) + 0 s/off
Max Edwards - 143 (131 + 12 targets in) + 4 s/off
James Mackie - 143 (141 + 2 targets in) + 3 s/off
Handicap Weekend High Gun
The Handicap High Gun winner was Richard Jacobs 284/300 (Universal Trench 135 + 18 targets in, plus Compak 125 + 6 targets in) with James Mackie runner up after a shoot off with Richard. Second runner up was Max Edwards on 283/300.
Overall Weekend High Gun
The Overall High Gun winner Off the Gun was James Mackie with 279/300. Runner up Daniel Feutz on 276/300. Second runner up was Max Edwards on 268/300.
North / South Carley Cup
With the South being the defending champions, and this being the final South Island event for the year, we also had our annual North/South Carley Cup. A North/South match where teams are determined at the conclusion of the UT event by selecting five score from each island, with each team including at least one B Grade and one C Grade score. For the first time, it was won by the North Island!
Won by North Island - James Mackie (AA) 141, Richard Jacobs (B) 135, Max Edwards (B) 131, Cameron Spargo (A) 129 & James Mabin (C) 122; on a total of 658/750.
From South Island - Daniel Feutz (A) 139, Natalie Rooney (AA) 136, Graeme Ede (AA) 136, John Hillock (B) 122 & Mirko Saranovic (C) 114; giving total of 647/750.
2021 National Series Championships
With Canterbury being the finale for the year, the 2021 National series champions were crowned. A valued member in the UTNZ Inc. organisation, Mike Tarbitt, has donated cups to the Series as a worthy recognition of the achievement. 'The Champions Cup' for the Overall National Series Champ, and 'The Handicap Cup' for the National Series Champ on Handicap.
Graeme Ede made the most of the early season, banking very high numbers in the first half of the year, and his fourth score in July ensured he was in a strong position for the Overall National Series Champ with a total of 396.53 out of a possible 400.00. Daniel Feutz tried as he might to claw the deficit back, and finished runner up in the series being an agonisingly close 396.45, just 0.08 away from Ede's winning number. 1 target at any of the counting events would have been enough. How's that for a tight series?!
Cameron Spargo has had a strong series performance as well and took out the Handicap National Series Champ with 444 points from a possible 600. No handicap event wins for Cameron in 2021, with his highest handicap placing being Runner Up at his home event in Hawke's Bay in January, but he showed how banking solid points from consistent finishes is how you win the series. Well done Cameron.
Both of these shooters received a high specification CZ 455 Varmint rifle from Kilwell Sports, along with Fiocchi ammunition from Target Products. Plus the beautiful Gold, Silver and Black sashes that are printed especially. Well done! A reinforcement of the brilliant support UTNZ has received from Kilwell (and it’s Laporte and CZ brands) along with Target Products and it’s Falcon and Fiocchi NZ brands.
Thank you to everyone that has come along and supported the UT series this year. We hope to see you all again next year and welcome anyone wanting to give it ago.
Graeme Ede - 396.53 Championship points from possible 400.00 (best 4 events)
Cameron Spargo - 444 Championship points from possible 600 (best 4 events - max 150 points to winner of each handicap event)
End of Series Major Raffle
With the season finale, it was time to draw the major end of series raffle that had been in active sale for the past couple of months. A certain Hawke's Bay shooter invested heavily in multiple tickets and how it paid off! Even with a good bunch of tickets bought, the odds of the first two draws both going to ticket numbers belonging to James Mabin from Hawke's Bay, must've been slim. The third number drawn was owned by Owen Little from the south.
Thanks to all of those who bought into the raffle, in support of the UTNZ fund for UT National team support. With funds sitting there waiting for our UT teams overseas trips as soon as they become viable.
$2000 Kilwell Sports Voucher: James Mabin - Hawke's Bay
$1000 Kilwell Sports Voucher: James Mabin - Hawke's Bay
$500 Kilwell Sports Voucher: Owen Little - Nelson