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JULY 10th & 11th 2021

The 10th & 11th of July saw the UTNZ team put on a fantastic 300 target weekend at the Waikato Clay Target Club. A maximum 7 squads pre entered for the event which consisted of 150 UT and 150 Compak. Two frosty but clear winters days saw plenty of smiles along with some new faces around the traps which is always great news for the sport.

Thank you to the UTNZ series sponsors; Laporte, Kilwell, Target Products Ltd and Fiocchi NZ for their continued support of UTNZ, with over $3700 in prizes per event. It is amazing what these companies are doing for the sport and we thank them.

A massive thank you goes out to the team behind UTNZ for a great weekend of shooting and all things running as smoothly as possible. Everyone who pitched in from scoring, loading traps and making sure people are aware when they are shooting, it does not go unnoticed. Also acknowledgement and big thanks to the Waikato club and its members for providing much appreciated set up and assistance, prior to, and during the weekend. These competitions could not be done without support from the clubs who host us. An important thank you to the shooters for the strong support of the UTNZ series and we look forward to the next event to be held at Canterbury CTC on August 21st & 22nd, we look forward to seeing you all again.

Compak 150

The 150 Compak held at these weekends is always a spectacle to watch, or even better, shoot! A massive thank you to all those involved in the setting up of six different fields for the 150. A large variety of targets were shot which makes it a fair playing field if there's one target you can't quite figure out. A handful of possibles were shot Saturday showing some had a handle on the variety. Day one leader was James Mackie who went into the evening 71/75 followed closely by Max Edwards and Daniel Feutz both 69/75 for the day. Des Coe was running in fourth on 67/75, definitely not out of the fight.

Day Two of the Compak saw the remaining 75 targets waiting to be shot on fresh fields. Although the testing targets saw no possibles on Sunday, James was consistent enough to maintain the 2 target lead from Saturday, giving him the overall win, on a total of 139/150. The battle for second and third was heating up during the day between Des Coe and Daniel Feutz. Ending up with another tight margin between Daniel on 137 and Des on 135.

The Handicap Champion in Compak had to determined by shoot off after the adjusted scores of James Mackie (+3 targets in) and Chris Robinson (+24 in) were equal on 142. With the shoot off going two sequences, James hung onto win the Handicap sash from Chris. Daniel Feutz third, followed by Des Coe, Matthew Steedman and Andy McKee.

The Compak is proving to be an excellent inclusion in the UTNZ weekends, with the two events together serving to break down barriers between disciplines and encourage the enjoyment of clay target shooting as a whole. To make it better, we’re seeing some awesome displays of shooting in the Compak, and even for first time shooters in the discipline, there is a lot of fun to be had. No doubt it will make you a better all round shooter as you learn the importance of reading targets.

Off the Gun:

  • James Mackie - 139

  • Daniel Feutz - 137

  • Des Coe - 135


  • James Mackie - 142 (139 + 3 targets in) + 15 s/off

  • Chris Robinson - 142 (118 + 24 targets in) + 12 s/off

  • Daniel Feutz - 140 (137 + 3 targets in)

  • Des Coe - 138 (135 + 3 targets in)

  • Matthew Steedman - 136 (118 + 18 targets in)

  • Andy McKee - 134 (104 + 30 targets in)


Universal Trench 150

Day One of the UT saw a calm start to the day with expected afternoon winds rising. A total four possibles shot over the day. Owen Robinson held the Saturday night lead on 72/75, followed closely by Graeme Ede and James Mackie both 71/75, and Nick Wiseman 70/75. With the top four shooters all within 2 targets of each other, the next 75 targets on Sunday was going to be a thriller! Also fantastic to see Junior Nicholas Hutt shoot a 25/25 in the final round of day one, it was awesome to see our younger shooters taking charge of a round. Well done Nicholas.

Day two started with three of our front runners upping the ante with early morning possibles. Graeme Ede kept it up to run 50 straight and apply the pressure early, but unfazed was a red inking Owen Robinson finishing the day with an impressive total 74/75. A clinical display of shooting from Owen and Graeme and we congratulate them on their performances. Well done to Cameron Spargo also on shooting a 25/25 in the final round for a strong finish.

The Overall Champion was Owen Robinson after a fantastic second day of shooting keeping himself out of reach on 146/150 followed by Graeme Ede on 143 and James Mackie on 142.

The Handicap system saw Ian Hovenden (+12 targets in), Owen Robinson (+6 in), Nicholas Wiseman (+12 in) and Rob Edwards (+24 in) all equal or exceed the possible 150, and continue to shoot off for first, second, third and fourth. Final result after a 33 target shoot off, saw Nick become the Handicap Champion, with Owen in second, Ian third and Rob fourth. Followed by Grant Preston in fifth and Nicholas Hutt sixth, with their positions established outright.

Off the Gun:

  • Owen Robinson - 146

  • Graeme Ede - 143

  • James Mackie - 142


  • Nick Wiseman B1 - 153 (141 + 12 targets in) + 33 s/off

  • Owen Robinson A2 - 152 (146 + 6 targets in) + 33 s/off

  • Ian Hovenden B2 - 151 (133 + 18 targets in) + 12 s/off

  • Rob Edwards C1 - 150 (126 + 24 targets in) + 0 s/off

  • Grant Preston B1 - 148 (136 + 12 targets in)

  • Nicholas Hutt B2 - 147 (129 + 18 targets in)

Handicap Weekend High Gun
The Handicap High Gun winner was James Mackie 287/300 (Universal Trench 142 + 3 targets in, plus Compak 139 + 3 targets in) with Grant Preston and Rob Edwards the equal runner's up on 279/300
Overall Weekend High Gun

The Overall High Gun winner off the gun was James Mackie with 281/300. Runner up Des Coe on 271/300 and Daniel Feutz second runner up on 267/300.

Kilwell Raffle
The draw for a great combined prize of an Orvis Carry It All and an Allen GearFit Gun Case, both from Kilwell Sports, was won by Cameron Spargo from Hawke's Bay. Great to see Cameron take this away with himself and his Dad Craig being stalwart supporters of the UT series since it's inception, and Cameron a team member in our 2020 National Junior team. Thanks once again to Kilwell Sports for their support of UTNZ and the clay target shooting community.


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