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JANUARY 3rd & 4th 2022

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We kicked off our annual Universal Trench Series at Hawke’s Bay Clay Target Club just after the New Years. Thank you to our series sponsors Laporte, Kilwell, Fiocchi NZ for their unwavering support of the Series for another year in 2022. A big thanks and acknowledgement to our Hawke’s Bay event sponsor Pirtek HB whose event support has allowed us to present a prize pool of over $5100 in value.

The two days of shooting was a success with 45 entrants into the UT. The days ran smoothly, and the target presentation was excellent thanks to the efforts of the Universal Trench Committee.

On day one Daniel Feutz had a strong lead in the Compak after some great shooting to finish the on 71 with James Mackie close behind on 70. In the UT Natalie Rooney and Tim Fuller were in the lead with 71 to finish the day with many only one behind.

Day two saw the competition heat up with Daniel Feutz shooting a 73 in the UT to take out the Overall Off Gun with a 143 and Graeme Ede and James Mackie both shooting a 72 to come second and third respectively. Daniel continued his great shooting into the Compak to take that out by 2 targets to James Mackie and Des Coe taking out the third place.

The Handicap saw some great shoot offs with the UT as we had many that achieved the possible 150, once their handicap of targets had been added to their score. With 2022 seeing us give prizes down to 10th place, this led to a healthy shoot off, where those competitors who’s qualifying score exceeded 150, entered the shoot off able to use their respective ‘extra lives’ before they were knocked out. Jared Mardle ended up taking the win from James Mabin. In the Compak, again with prizes down to 10th place, Natalie Rooney was the only one to achieve the 150 possible on the handicap equation, so took the win with James Mabin just two targets behind, and good shoot off’s determining places below them.

For 2022, with our increased prize pool value, we have allocated prizes to recognise the achievements of category winners in Universal Trench. It was great to see highly skilled junior Natalie Foss attend another UT weekend, and once again she performed very well to take the junior win. The ladies category will always be tough to win when Natalie Rooney is in the field, and so it was that Natalie showed the way with a strong 140. Graeme Ede took the senior prize in addition to his Overall Off Gun runner up. Stephen O’Hara who’s a great supporter of UTNZ Inc. was the Veteran champion, and local Hawke’s Bay man Peter Evans took our Masters.

Big thanks to everyone that came along to the event and look forward to seeing you all again in the Waikato on March 19th & 20th. Remember we will have this $5,100+ prize pool at each of our events this year thanks to event specific sponsors in addition to our Series supporters. So don’t miss out on the good fun and camaraderie, come and experience a UTNZ Inc. weekend during 2022.

Compak 150


Off the Gun:

  • Daniel Feutz - 141

  • James Mackie - 139

  • Des Coe - 136


  • Natalie Rooney - 24 targets in + 126 Off Gun = 150

  • James Mabin - 24 targets in + 124 Off Gun = 148

  • Daniel Feutz - 2 targets in + 141 Off Gun = 143 + 9 s/off

  • Jeff Niblett - 12 targets in + 131 Off Gun = 143 + 7 s/off

  • James Mackie - 2 targets in + 139 Off Gun = 141 + 12 s/off

  • Sohaib Majid - 12 targets in + 129 Off Gun = 141 + 9 + 6 s/off

  • Trevor Smith - 6 targets in + 135 Off Gun = 141 + 9 + 4 s/off

  • Jared Mardle - 18 targets in + 121 Off Gun = 139 + 1 s/off

  • Des Coe - 3 targets in + 136 Off Gun = 139 + retired s/off

  • Richard Jacobs - 3 targets in + 135 = 138


Universal Trench 150


Off the Gun:

  • Daniel Feutz - 143

  • Graeme Ede - 142

  • James Mackie - 141


  • Jared Mardle (C1 grade) - 24 targets in + 132 Off Gun = 156 + 12 s/off

  • James Mabin (B2 grade) - 18 targets in + 132 Off Gun = 150 + 15 s/off

  • William Luxton (B2 grade) - 18 targets in + 134 Off Gun = 152 + 11 s/off

  • Stephen O'Hara (B2 grade) - 18 targets in + 135 Off Gun = 153 + 6 s/off

  • Steven Middleton (C2 grade) - 30 targets in + 120 Off Gun = 150 + 1 + 1 s/off

  • David Donald (C1 grade) - 24 targets in + 126 Off Gun = 150 + 1 + 0 s/off

  • Glenn Catlin (C1 grade) - 24 targets in + 131 Off Gun = 155 + retired s/off

  • Matthew Riley (C2 grade) - 30 targets in + 124 Off Gun = 154 + retired s/off

  • Peter Evans (C1 grade) - 24 targets in + 125 Off Gun = 149

  • Sohaib Majid (B2 grade) - 18 targets in + 129 Off Gun = 147

FITASC Categories:

  • Junior - Natalie Foss - 128

  • Lady - Natalie Rooney - 140

  • Senior - Graeme Ede - 142

  • Veteran - Stephen O'Hara - 135

  • Master - Peter Evans - 125

Handicap Weekend High Gun

James Mabin won the Handicap High Gun on a 'targets in' adjusted score of 298/300. (Universal Trench 124 + 24 targets in, plus Compak 132 + 18 targets in). Jared Mardle runner up on 295/300. Second runner up was Natalie Rooney 293/300. A well deserved win for the support James has shown UTNZ Inc. by following the series and committing to the working group. In a short time he has shown he will be an outright force in both UT and Compak disciplines. 

Stuart Mackie Memorial Cup Overall Weekend High Gun

Daniel Feutz took out the Overall Weekend High Gun and Stuart Mackie Memorial Cup after a great display of shooting across the disciplines resulting in a brilliant 284/300 (Compak 141 + Universal Trench 143). Further evidence of Daniels pedigree as one of the countries best all around shotgun competitors being at the top of the game in both of these very challenging international disciplines. Runner up James Mackie 280/300. Second runner up was Richard Jacobs on 274/300.

Pointscore 150

Pointscore run by the club received sweeps on each days 75 targets, with Darren Lupton recieving a Browning gun case from UTNZ Inc. as the top score combined over the 150. The DTL provided an ideal round off to the disciplines on offer, so thanks to the HB club for making that available.

Full Results
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