The following rules are applicable to all UTNZ Inc. managed qualifying events held throughout New Zealand. They may also be applied to any other Universal Trench event at a clubs discretion, as ‘club rules’ supplementary to NZCTA approved rules. The following rules are not NZCTA approved rules, and are supplementary to NZCTA rules. The NZCTA Rule Book (authorised by NZCTA Council February 2014, Updated April 2021) forms the basis for which these rules supplement.
The following rules shall be applied to all tie break situations associated with UTNZ Inc. events, series championships, or teams selections.
Universal Trench
4.1 If a tie break situation exists to determine positions first through third for Off the Gun results in Universal Trench, or a Category winner, a tie break shoot off shall be staged over one round of 25 targets (double barrel) to decide the winner. If the tie is not broken by the result from the full round of double barrel, then the competitors will enter a first miss and out shoot off of single barrel.
a) With both double barrel and single barrel tie breaks, the shooter order shall be drawn by lot. In the case of two shooters, stations 1 and 4 shall be used. In the case of three shooters, positions 1, 3 and 5 shall be used. In the case of four shooters, positions 1, 2, 4 and 5 shall be used.
b) No targets shall be viewed before any tie break shoot off.
4.2 If a tie break situation exists for Handicap results in Universal Trench, the tie shall be broken under the following methods:
a) To determine positions one through ten for Handicap results in Universal Trench, a tie break shoot off shall be staged on a first miss and out basis. Shooters shall have full use of the gun (double barrel) for the first 25 targets, at which point, the shoot off shall continue as single barrel. The shoot off is first miss and out, once all of a shooters targets in (any handicap adjusted targets above 150 possible) are exhausted. Rules 4.1 (a) and (b) apply.
b) For positions eleventh through thirtieth, tie break shall be as per count-back. The higher ranking is given to whichever competitor has the highest score (including their handicap allowance per round) on the sixth round of the Universal Trench 150 target competition. If they are equal on the sixth round, the fifth round shall be considered, and so on. i.e If two shooters finish on 140/150 adjusted score for eleventh and twelve position, their sixth round scores are considered. Shooter A (A2 bracket 6 targets in over 150) had an off gun round score of 21 on their sixth round, with that increased to 22 given their handicap (1 target per round), Shooter B (A1 bracket 3 targets in over 150) also had an off gun round score of 21, with that increased to 21.5 given their handicap (0.5 targets per round). Therefore Shooter A is given the higher ranking of eleventh position, given their handicap adjusted score was higher, on the sixth round of the 150 target match.
4.3 In the case where the competitors in a shoot off need to be separated for multiple results, that shoot off will determine all results. Such as in the case that competitors who must shoot off for the Off the Gun/Category results, also need to be separated for Handicap first miss and out results, the Off the Gun/Category shoot off will determine both results. The full round scoresheet will be reviewed to determine who ranks higher on a first miss and out basis for the Handicap tie break purpose.
4.4 Where a tie break situation exists on the leaderboard table for the winner of National Series Championship. The result shall be determined by comparing the number of times each competitor has finished in each position of singular event, Off the Gun results, from their three counting events of the relevant series year. The National Series Championship goes to whichever had the greater number of wins; if they have the same number of wins, the championship goes to the competitor with the greater number of second places, and so on.
a) Ranking list result numbers are determined at each of the six series events, in the same manner as team ranking list result numbers. The winning score is rated as 100%, with all scores from the event being rated as a percentage of this winning score. i.e The winner shoots 144/150. The 144 is rated as 100%. 2nd shoots 141 (97.92%), with 3rd and 4th both on 139 (both get 96.53%), and 5th on 136 (94.44%).
4.5 Where a tie break situation exists on the leaderboard table for the winner of National Series Handicap Championship. The result shall be determined by comparing the number of times each competitor has finished in each position of singular event, Handicap results, from the six events of the relevant series year. The National Series Championship goes to whichever had the greater number of Handicap wins; if they have the same number of wins, the championship goes to the competitor with the greater number of second places, and so on.
a) Ranking list points are determined at each of the six series events, using a simple points scoring system based on places gained at each of the Universal Handicap 150 target matches. For each event 150 points are available to the winner, which is 12 points over second place, then the graduation is 9 points per place to sixth, 6 points down to eleventh and 3 points thereafter down to thirtieth place.
b) For tied Handicap scores at any of the six series events, in positions first through thirtieth, the tie shall be broken to enable points allocation. Ties shall be broken as per 4.2 above
4.6 Where a tie break situation occurs in the ranking table for the final place to make a National representative team, the shooters shall firstly be examined to confirm they meet team eligibility criteria, before a tie break situation is considered.
a) If one of the shooters does not meet the criteria, and the other does, then the eligible shooter shall be allocated the team position.
b) If neither shooter meets eligibility, then a tie break is not necessary as neither shooter is eligible to represent New Zealand.
c) If both shooters meet eligibility, then the result shall be determined by comparing the number of times each competitor has finished in each position of singular event, Off the Gun results, from their three counting events of the relevant series year. The Team position goes to whichever had the greater number of wins; if they have the same number of wins, the position goes to the competitor with the greater number of second places, and so on.
5.1 If a tie break situation exists to determine positions first through third for Off the Gun results, or positions one through ten for Handicap in Compak, the tie shall be broken by shooters following each other through one Compak station at a time, tallying scores at the completion of each station (accounting for any targets in, that a shooter may have in a Handicap shoot off) to determine a result
a) The shooter order shall be drawn by lot. Station one on the Compak shoot off field, shall be the first station used to determine a result, before those who remain tied after station one, continue in same shooter order, on station two, and so on.
b) There shall be 5 targets per station (using the sequence of 1 single, followed by 2 sets of simultaneous doubles, or report pairs if simultaneous pairs not possible) with the score of 5 targets tallied at the completion of each station.
c) The sequence of 5 targets (one single and two sets of doubles) shall be shown to the shooters prior to shooting each station. No competitor may stand within the station while targets are shown. The referee must occupy the station to show the targets, before shooter one enters the station and is given the instruction to load their gun and commence the scored sequence.
d) On any given station, it is not the order of hits and misses within the stand, but the tallied result of the completed station that determines results. i.e If Shooter A misses the first target being the single, but hits both pairs, for a total station tally of 4/5, they would be victorious over Shooter B who hits the single, and the the first pair and double zeroes the last pair for 3/5.
5.2 In the case where the competitors in a shoot off need to be separated for multiple results, that shoot off will determine all results. Such as in the case that competitors who must shoot off for the Off the Gun results, also need to be separated for Handicap, the shoot off will continue until both results are determined, accounting for any targets in, that a shooter may have in the Handicap shoot off.
High Guns
6.1 For the Overall High Gun, If two or more shooters finish on an equal score, then a shoot off shall be conducted over 10 targets of Compak (in accordance with 5.1 above) + 10 targets of Universal Trench (in accordance with 4.1 but for the purposes of this shoot off, ceasing once 10 targets of the round are complete). With a result determined after the 20 targets have been completed. If the tie still exists then the shoot off will be repeated
6.2 For the Handicap High Gun, If two or more shooters finish with an equal score below 300 (sum of their handicap adjusted event scores) then a scratch (no targets in) shoot off as described above under 6.1 shall be conducted. However, if two or more shooters exceed 300 on their handicap adjusted sum, then the shoot off shall be conducted, with targets in accounted for on the total shoot off score out of 20. If the tie still exists then the shoot off will be repeated. This shoot off may be run in conjunction with the Overall High Gun shoot off.
6.3 In the case where competitors tied for High Gun results are participating in discipline tie break shoot off's, the first 10 targets of their discipline shoot off will also be used to determine their High Gun shoot off result (and then the next 10 as necessary)
a) If a competitor who is tied for a High Gun result participates in a discipline shoot off where less than 10 targets are required for the result, then that competitor is required to complete the balance of 10 targets so as to provide a complete tally from a possible 20 High Gun shoot off targets.
b) If a competitor (A) who is tied for a High Gun result, is not required to participate in any discipline shoot off's, when their tie break competitor (B) is as per 6.3 (a) above. Then competitor A shall join the discipline shoot off for the purpose of completing the High Gun tie break shoot off alongside competitor B. Where this is not possible, competitors A and B must have a matching sequence of scored targets off the same Compak stations, along with each shooters very first sequence of 10 Universal Trench shoot off targets counting.